
Auto — the scanner uses the default modulation for the frequency band. The
default setting i s Auto.
AM — the scanner uses AM (ampl itude modulation) for the frequency band.
FM — the scanner uses FM (frequency modulation) for the frequency band.
NFM — the scanner uses narr owband FM for the frequency band.
WFM — the scanner uses wideband F M for the frequency band.
WFM (Broadcast) — the scanner uses FM Broadcast for the frequency band.
Setting Attenuation
T ur n on this setting if you are near other str ong si gnal sources. Attenuation
so me t ime s helps to red uce interf erence and de sen sitizat io n th at st ron g signals
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Attenuator F
Thi s setti ng c ontrol s the attenuator for Quick Search and Close Call operati on.
S elect your se t ting , t hen pre ss F.
On — Reception is attenuated by about 20 dB.
Off — Th e a ttenu ato r is off.
Setting Data Skip
[MENU] Srch/CloCall Opt F
Set Data Skip F
This set t in g controls h ow the scanner b ehaves whe n it stops on a ch an nel that has
a data signal.
On — the scanner stops bri efly on the channel, but then immediately resumes
scanning automaticall y.
Off — the scanner remains on the channel until the tr ansmission stops. The
default setting i s Off
If you ar e tryin g to te st the Clo se Ca ll fea ture with a nea rby tra nsm itter (su ch
as a CB) and you do not talk into the transmi tter, the scanner detects this