
System & Station
Program 02 Station Physical Port Display and/or Change
3-2 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Program 02 Station Physical Port Display and/or
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: Station
Initialized Default: Logical port number = physical port number
Program 90, 91-1, or 91-9 initializes Program 02
Program 02 Overview
Program 02 enables you to enter a logical port to display the associated physical port. You then
have the option to assign a new physical port to the logical port. (To return ports to their initialized
settings, see Programs 90 and 91.)
Record port locations on Program 04 record sheet.
The system allows only like ports to be reassigned (see below).
RCIU/RCIS circuit assignments to CO lines are not affected by Program 01 and 02.
   6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG
Processor [PDN] Port Range Processor [PDN] Port Range
DK14 000~009 B1CU 000~055
DK40i 000~027 B2CAU/BU 000~111
RCTUA 000~031 B3CAU/BU 000~191
RCTUBA/BB 000~079 B5CAU/BU 000~335
RCTUC/D 000~239
RCTUE/F 000~335
Allowed Not Allowed
Digital-to-Digital Ports (KCDU-QCDU-PDKU-
Attendant Console (DK424, DK424i only),
DSS, BGM or Amplified Conference Ports
should not be reassigned
Electronic-to-Electronic Ports (PEKU-PEKU-
PESU Ports)
Door Phone Ports (004, 012, 020, 028) should
not be reassigned
Standard Tel to Standard Tel Ports (QSTU-
Tie/DID Line Ports should not be reassigned
PDKU to PEKU cannot be exchanged
PSTU to PDKU cannot be exchanged
PEKU to PSTU cannot be exchanged
To Save existing Physical Port
SELECT = Logical Port Number
The physical port number associated
with the logical telephone port displays
after the logical port number is entered.
Enter new Physical Port
to change existing Physical Port