
Least Cost Routing
Program 50-2 LCR Home Area Code
5-10 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Program 51 LCR Area Codes
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: Least Cost Routing
Initialized Default: Leaves Tables 01~15 blank; all codes (000~999) initialized to the plan - legend below
   6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG
Processor LCR Plan Number LCR Plan Default Processor LCR Plan Number LCR Plan Default
DK14 01~08 08 RCTUBA/BB, B1CU 01~08 08
DK40i 01~08 08 RCTUC/D, B2CAU/BU, B3CAU/BU 01~16 16
RCTUA 01~08 08 RCTUE/F, B5CAU/BU 01~16 16
LCR Plan: LCR Plan: LCR Plan: LCR Plan:
Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s) Data = Area Code(s)
SELECT = LCR Plan Number
(see Legend below)
Action Code:
2 = To add code to table
3 = To delete code from table
4# = To display codes from table
DATA = Area Code(s) (3 digits)
To add a range of area codes, enter XXX XXX
(low office code high office code).