
Toll Restriction
Program *45-2 (1~6) LCR/Toll Restriction Bypass
Strata DK Programming 5/00 4-25
Toll Restriction
This will allow Centrex station numbers (1200#~1299# and 1300#~1399#) to de dialed -
overriding Toll Restriction. The call will route out the local LCR route immediately after the # is
Use this record sheet to assign area codes in 10-digit dialing areas. If some non-toll numbers
require 10-digit dialing: Area Code (AC) + Office Code (OC) + YYYY dialing (no digit 1
before the area code) enter the area code in this table if dialing through LCR. Area codes entered in
this table (without the long distance 1 prefix) will be routed over the LCR local call route when
dialed with the AC + OC + YYYY format (YYYY = 4-digit CO extension number).
Example (10-digit Dialing)
If area code 817 is a local area code that must be dialed without the prefix digit 1, enter:
+ + + %XWWRQ+ %XWWRQ in Program *45-2X. With this entry, LCR will route 817 calls
over the local route immediately after dialing:
;;;;;;; (10 digits).
This table applies to all stations with Program 48 TR Codes 03~10 only (TR classes 1~8); not to
stations with Program 48 TR Codes 00, 01, or 02.
When editing the data field, use Button/LED 01 to end the digit string, Button/LED 02 to
assign a wild card value (0~9,
, ).
See Program 46 (10~80) Button/LED 04 should be Off when dialing codes containing and/