1. This limited warranty shall not cover the UPS, UPS parts, or BATTERY during their
respective warranty periods, if the following storage, maintenance, installation, operating
conditions are not met throughout the warranty periods (5 conditions below):
Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Batteries for Toshiba UPS Required Operating, Installation, and
Maintenance Conditions
1. Temperature
Annual Average Temperature is to be 77°F (25 °C) with no greater
temperature of 89
2. Maximum # of Full
Maximum Number of Cycles (24 Months)***
*** > 9AHr Typically extended runtimes < 9AHr Typically Single Phase
3. Storage
While UPS is in Transit or in storage, it must always be in a suitable
temperature (as stated above)
Parallel battery string applications must be approved by TIC in writing
5. Idle Batteries
User must recharge the batteries if not in use (charged) for more than 6
2. This Warranty does not cover damage or defect caused by misuse, improper application, wrong or
inadequate electrical current/voltage/frequency, inadequate connections, inadequate water or drain
services, user negligence, repair by non-Toshiba designated personnel, accident during shipment,
tampering, alterations, a change in UPS and/or BATTERY location or application, exposure to the
elements, acts of God, force nature, theft, sabotage, installation contrary to TIC's recommendations or
specifications (Published Operation Manuals), also if serial numbers have been altered, defaced, or
Credit for Replacement Battery When Approved Warranty