Appendix B: Technical Reference 915
Appendix B: Technical Reference
This section contains a comprehensive list of TI-89 Titanium / Voyage™ 200 error
messages and character codes. It also includes information about how certain TI-89
Titanium / Voyage™ 200 operations are calculated.
TI-89 Titanium / Voyage™ 200 Error Messages
TI-89 Titanium / Voyage™ 200 Error MessagesTI-89 Titanium / Voyage™ 200 Error Messages
TI-89 Titanium / Voyage™ 200 Error Messages
This section lists error messages that may be displayed when input or internal errors are
encountered. The number to the left of each error message represents an internal error
number that is not displayed. If the error occurs inside a Try...EndTry block, the error
number is stored in system variable errornum. Many of the error messages are self-
explanatory and do not require descriptive information. However, additional information
has been added for some error messages.
Number Description
10 A function did not return a value
20 A test did not resolve to TRUE or FALSE
Generally, undefined variables cannot be compared. For example,
the test If a<b will cause this error if either a or b is undefined when
the If statement is executed.
30 Argument cannot be a folder name
40 Argument error
50 Argument mismatch
Two or more arguments must be of the same type. For example,
and PtOn
are both valid,
but PtOn
is a mismatch.
60 Argument must be a Boolean expression or integer
70 Argument must be a decimal number
80 Argument must be a label name
90 Argument must be a list
100 Argument must be a matrix
110 Argument must be a Pic
120 Argument must be a Pic or string
130 Argument must be a string
140 Argument must be a variable name
For example, DelVar 12 is invalid because a number cannot be a
variable name.
150 Argument must be an empty folder name
160 Argument must be an expression
For example, zeros(2x+3=0,x) is invalid because the first argument is
an equation.
161 ASAP or Exec string too long