Additional Graphing Topics 500
Deleting a Graph Picture
Deleting a Graph PictureDeleting a Graph Picture
Deleting a Graph Picture
Unwanted Picture variables take up calculator memory. To delete a variable, use the
VAR-LINK screen (2°) as described in Memory and Variable Management.
From a Program or the Home Screen
From a Program or the Home ScreenFrom a Program or the Home Screen
From a Program or the Home Screen
To save (
store) and open (recall) a graph picture, use the StoPic, RclPic, AndPic, XorPic,
RplcPic commands as described in the Technical Reference module.
To display a series of graph pictures as an animation, use the
CyclePic command. For an
example, refer to CyclePic Command.
Animating a Series of Graph Pictures
Animating a Series of Graph PicturesAnimating a Series of Graph Pictures
Animating a Series of Graph Pictures
As described earlier in this module, you can save a picture of a graph. By using the
CyclePic command, you can flip through a series of graph pictures to create an
CyclePic Command
CyclePic CommandCyclePic Command
CyclePic Command
Before using
CyclePic, you must have a series of graph pictures that have the same
base name and are sequentially numbered starting with 1 (such as pic1, pic2, pic3, . . . ).
To cycle the pictures, use the syntax: