Basic Function Graphing 312
3. To make a change, select the applicable style.
To set Line as the style for all functions, press ‡ and select
4:Reset Styles.
If You Use Above or Below Shading
If You Use Above or Below ShadingIf You Use Above or Below Shading
If You Use Above or Below Shading
The TI-89 Titanium has four shading patterns, used on a rotating basis. If you set one
function as shaded, it uses the first pattern. The next shaded function uses the second
pattern, etc. The fifth shaded function reuses the first pattern.
Style Description
Line Connects plotted points with a line. This is the default.
Dot Displays a dot at each plotted point.
Square Displays a solid box at each plotted point.
Thick Connects plotted points with a thick line.
Animate A round cursor moves along the leading edge of the graph
but does not leave a path.
Path A round cursor moves along the leading edge of the graph
and does leave a path.
Above Shades the area above the graph.
Below Shades the area below the graph.
When shaded areas intersect, their patterns