Activities 53
Setting the Viewing Window
You also can use the graphing features of the TI-84 Plus to find the
maximum value of a previously defined function. When the graph is
activated, the viewing window defines the displayed portion of the
coordinate plane. The values of the window variables determine the size
of the viewing window.
7. Press † to display the other maximum.
The value of Y1 at X=3.68 in full precision
410.264064, at X=3.69 is 410.262318 and
at X=3.7 is 410.256.
The maximum volume of the box would
occur at 3.68 if you could measure and cut
the paper at .01-centimeter increments.
1. Press p to display the window editor,
where you can view and edit the values of
the window variables.
The standard window variables define the
viewing window as shown.
Xmin, Xmax,
Ymin, and Ymax define the boundaries of
the display.
Xscl and Yscl define the
distance between tick marks on the X and
Y axes. Xres controls resolution.
2. Press
0 Í to define Xmin.
3. Press 20 ¥ 2 to define Xmax using an
4. Press Í. The expression is evaluated,
and 10 is stored in Xmax. Press Í to
Xscl as 1.
5. Press
0 Í 500 Í 100 Í 1 Í
to define the remaining window variables.