154 Appendix A: Tables and Reference Information
User Variables
The TI-84 Plus uses the variables listed below in various ways. Some
variables are restricted to specific data types.
The variables
A through Z and q are defined as real or complex numbers.
You may store to them. The TI-84 Plus can update
X, Y, R, q, and T during
graphing, so you may want to avoid using these variables to store
nongraphing data.
The variables (list names)
L1 through L6 are restricted to lists; you cannot
store another type of data to them.
The variables (matrix names)
[A] through [J] are restricted to matrices;
you cannot store another type of data to them.
The variables
Pic1 through Pic9 and Pic0 are restricted to pictures; you
cannot store another type of data to them.
The variables
GDB1 through GDB9 and GDB0 are restricted to graph
databases; you cannot store another type of data to them.
The variables
Str1 through Str9 and Str0 are restricted to strings; you
cannot store another type of data to them.
Except for system variables, you can store any string of characters,
functions, instructions, or variables to the functions
Yn, (1 through 9, and
0), XnT/YnT (1 through 6), rn (1 through 6), u(n), v(n), and w(n) directly or
through the Y= editor. The validity of the string is determined when the
function is evaluated.
Archive Variables
You can store data, programs or any variable from RAM to user data
archive memory where they cannot be edited or deleted inadvertantly.
Archiving also allows you to free up RAM for variables that may require
additional memory. The names of archived variables are preceded by an
indicating they are in user data archive.
System Variables
The variables below must be real numbers. You may store to them. Since
the TI-84 Plus can update some of them, as the result of a
ZOOM, for
example, you may want to avoid using these variables to store
nongraphing data.
Xmin, Xmax, Xscl, @X, XFact, Tstep, PlotStart, nMin, and other
window variables.