About the TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition is the same as the TI-84 Plus except:
• it has more memory, and thus more spaces for graphing handheld
software applications (Apps).
• it has interchangeable faceplates that let you customize the
appearance of your TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
Since all the functions of the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and the TI-84 Plus
are the same, this guidebook can be used for either the TI-84 Plus or the
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
The CD included with your TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition package
also includes an electronic guidebook, which is a complete reference
manual for the TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. If the CD is not
available, you can download a copy of the electronic guidebook from the
Texas Instruments web page at:
The TI-84 Plus / TI-84 Plus Silver Edition has some graphing handheld
software applications (Apps) preinstalled. For information about these
Apps, see the electronic documentation files on the Texas Instrument
web page at:
About this book
This guidebook gives a quick overview of each topic, along with
keystroke instructions for easy examples. All examples assume that the
TI-84 Plus is using default settings. For complete information on any
topic, see the electronic guidebook on the CD that came with your
graphing handheld.