different tissue groups. FullRGBM can utilize these additional tissues
and model the on-gassing and off-gassing more accurately. The
amounts of nitrogen and helium on-gassing and off-gassing in the
tissues are calculated independently from each other.
The advantage of Suunto Fused RGBM is additional safety through
its ability to adapt to a wide variety of situations. For recreational
divers it may offer slightly longer no- deco times, depending on the
chosen personal setting. For open-circuit technical divers it allows
use of gas mixes with helium - on deeper and longer dives helium
based gas mixes provide shorter ascent times. And finally, for
rebreather divers the Suunto Fused RGBM algorithm gives the
perfect tool to be used as a non-monitoring, set point dive
3.28.1 Diver safety
Because any decompression model is purely theoretical and does
not monitor the actual body of a diver, no decompression model
can guarantee the absence of DCS. Experimentally it has been
shown that the body adapts to decompression to some degree
when diving is constant and frequent. Two personal adjustment
settings (P-1 and P-2) are available for divers who dive constantly
and are ready to accept greater personal risk.