These settings include tank size and pressure at the start of the dive
as well as personal gas consumption (surface gas consumption). If
you are not sure what your personal gas consumption is, we
recommend using the default value of 25 L/min (0.90 cubic ft/min).
NOTE: Estimated gas time is calculated based on tank pressure
at start minus 35 bar (510 psi).
The calculated no decompression time is based on dive depth and
gas mixture. Any residual nitrogen from previous dives, as well as
surface time, is taken into consideration. GAS TIME is dependent on
the dive depth, personal consumption and tank size/pressure.
In the dive planner display, you can edit depth and mixture.
For example, for the first dive in a series, if you enter 21 meters and
use a mixture of 32% oxygen, you see the following:
In this example, the calculated values are:
Dive number in the dive series: 1
Available no decompression time: 58 minutes
Remaining gas time: 32 minutes