ppHe are displayed next to each gas mixture that that you want to
switch to. Maximum Operating Depth (MOD) is assumed to be the
depth when start to use the gas mixture.
An ICD warning is generated when the gas switch depth is greater
than 10 m (30 ft) and either:
1. The change ppN2 increases by more than +0.5, or
2. The change in ppHe increases by more than +0.5 and ppN2
decreases by more than -0.25.
If these limits are exceeded with a gas switch, Suunto EON Steel
indicates the risk of ICD as shown below:
In this example, the available gas mixtures for a deep Trimix dive
Trimix 15/55
Trimix 35/10
Trimix 50/10
Suunto EON Steel highlights the dangerous ICD condition when the
gas mixture switches from 15/55 to 35|10 at a depth of 34.4 m.
If this gas switch is made, the change in ppN2 and ppHe are far
beyond the safe limits.