Soundscape Mixpander
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the SSL Soundscape Mixer’s track insert elements can then be disabled (as described in the “Track
inserts” section of the “Mixer” chapter in the Soundscape Mixer Reference Guide).
The “Release ASIO Driver in Background” box should be unchecked. If it is checked, the audio
output from Cubase SX or Nuendo will stop when the window is minimized.
Multiple SSL Soundscape hardware devices and Cubase
The ASIO-2 driver specification allows for only one audio card to be used at any single time.
However, the current implementation of the SSL Soundscape Device Driver allows multiple SSL
Soundscape audio cards to be used simultaneously under ASIO-2 by presenting them to the
application as a single device. In order to use multiple cards simultaneously, "All Devices" must be
selected in the SSL Soundscape ASIO Panel. To open the SSL Soundscape ASIO Panel in Cubase,
click Device Setup under the Devices menu, select “VST Multitrack” and click the “Control Panel”
button (example based on Cubase SX Version 2.2):
NOTE:ThereisariskthatCubaseSXwill“freeze”onsta rtup ifitdoesnotdetectthehardwareit
replace aprevious soundcard, do not removethe old soundcard until youhave installed theSSL
Soundscape audiocard, startedCubase andset itto usetheSSLSoundscape audiocard. Forthe