Soundscape Mixpander
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Installing the SSL Soundscape Device Drivers
The driver installation procedure is similar under Windows 2000 and Windows XP
Windows needs to find the “Ssdev.inf” file which is part of the Soundscape Device Driver
installation files. For the WDM/KS driver, the file is named “Sswdm.inf”.
Installing hardware drivers is in itself a Windows procedure and is described in the Windows
documentation. The installation procedure under Windows XP is described here for convenience.
WARNING: Please do not install the drivers unless your Windows installation is running
correctly (as implied in the “System Requirements” section above). Preferably, do not
attempt to install the SSL Soundscape Device Drivers if any hardware components other
than the SSL Soundscape Mixpander card(s) need drivers to be installed.
NOTE:Whe neveranewversionofthe SSLSoundscapeMixeris installed,anyolddriversthatare