Soundscape Mixpander
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We strongly advise that you install the software using the default paths (c:\Program
Files\Soundscape and c:\Soundscape). In case you should ever need it, technical support is easier
to provide if all the files are installed where expected.
Shortcuts and automatic SSL Soundscape Mixer startup
A default shortcut for the SSL Soundscape Mixer is created in the Start Menu and is also copied
into the Startup folder so that the SSL Soundscape Mixer software starts when you power up your
PC. You can prevent the SSL Soundscape Mixer software from starting automatically on start up
by using Windows Explorer to locate and delete the shortcut in the Startup folder. The default path
is “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup”
If you create a shortcut manually (e.g., on the desktop), “sslMixer.ini” should be added at the end
of the Target line (to see the Target line, right-click the shortcut and click “Properties”). You can
also include “/h” for the SSL Soundscape Mixer to start hidden (i.e., with the main window closed
but accessible from the system tray icon). The full line would read:
"C:\Program Files\Soundscape\sslMixer\sslMixer.exe" /h sslMixer.ini
Note the spaces before “/h” and before “sslMixer.ini”.
The “Start in” line should read “C:\Soundscape” (if you installed using a default path) for the
program to locate the subfolders for mixer files and mixer element presets. If you change to
another Start In folder, then it is also useful to recreate the same subfolder structure as can be
found in C:\Soundscape.