
Print Server Manual 61 A741
16.1 Purpose Of Document
LBTEST is a small executable program that is used to test the Littlebear
controller, as well as the interface between the Littlebear controller and the
copier. The purpose of this document is to describe the functionality of LBTEST
and also to outline a test procedure that should be used to determine the cause
of any problems with the controller or the copier.
16.2 LBTEST Commands
After starting LBTEST, a list of possible commands will be displayed:
LBTEST VERSION x.x, Options:
1 - (Reset LittleBear Device)
2 - (Clear Fifos)
c - (Control)
i - (Initialize)
r - (Read Register)
s - (Status)
v - (Version)
w - (Write Register)
d - (Write Fifos Via DMA)
f - (Read Fifos Via DMA)
t - (Print, Scan, test Button, or FIFO tests)
q - (Quit)
16.3 Command: “1”
This command will reset the Littlebear device by asserting the reset line to the
controller. This will cause the controller firmware to reset all of its values to the
initial state. When this command is issued, the controller will instantly stop
whatever it is doing and then start-up as if it were just powered-up.
16.4 Command: “2”
This command clears any data that may be in the PCI FIFOs. The PCI FIFOs
have a total of 32 bytes. These are the FIFOs that are controlled by the PCI chip
itself and should not be confused with the Littlebear on-board FIFOs. The on-
board FIFOs are cleared with the “i” command discussed later.