Print Server Manual 5 A741
2 Installation
2.1 EPROM replacement
In the event of an EPROM change the following procedure will enable the
technician to replace the prom and bring the A741 unit back on line.
The following (minimum) procedure should be followed after replacing the
EPROM, failing to do so may result in some unpredictable behavior.
• Run SIM 66 and write down the developer initial value
• Run SIM 70 (backup RAM initialization) and wait for the OK message
• Run SIM 81 to re-set the display language from Japanese to the desired
• Run SIM 66 again, re-entering the value recorded above
• Re-enter all factory default values as found on the large label on the inside
of the left cover or on the rear panel.
• Clean the contact glass and rollers and perform SIM 120 (γ auto adjust)
• Press the clear key and all clear key, select SIM 001 and return to the
normal operation mode. Switch the A741 off and on again.
2.2 New SIMulations
Several new SIMulations are used to control the A741 Repro System, the 2
most important are discussed below:
SIM 115
Set to '2: UNIT ON', this will enable the interface, if set to '1: UNIT OFF'
the server PC will not detect the A741. Default setting after changing the
EPROM’s is off.
SIM 117
Leading edge adjustment for scanning via A741 Repro System.
How to check: Scan an image and print this again at 100%,. See if the
distance from the top of the paper to the top of the image is the same on
the original and the copy, if not change the value of SIM 117.