
Print Server Manual 51 A741
14 Frequently Asked Questions: Project Management
14.1 What is the purpose of a project?
Engineering design projects typically contain a large number of drawings. In
order to manage these drawings, they are often grouped by category. Example:
for a building drawings can be grouped by structural design, water system,
electrical systems etc.
14.2 How many groups can be in a project?
Projects can contain unlimited groups and sub-groups
14.3 How many projects can we manage with A741 Repro System?
Unlimited, depends on the storage space of your computer. The A741 Repro
System client can only handle one project at a time.
14.4 Do we provide any kind of accounting?
Yes, accounting is standard. For each print/plot job we can select a cost center
and/or user ID which will be stored in an accounting database. Multiple
accounting databases can be used. From these accounting databases a variety
of reports can be generated, e.g. by Cost Center, User ID, print device etc. The
databases will be stored in MS-Access format. Apart from the build-in reports, the
user has full freedom to generate any type of report by using Microsoft Access.