Operations NAVSTAT Operation
This operation indicates on the LCD display the position information that
has been input via NMEA or SeaTalk or has been manually input using the
LL/ENT function.
To view current position information:
1. Press the FUNC key followed by the MENU key to initiate the Menu
2. Select NAVSTAT and press the ENT key. The following five items are
automatically displayed at 3-second intervals in the following order:
1. Latitude 4. UTC Date (Y/M/D)
2. Longitude 5. Position source (GPS, DIFF GPS, NO GPS)
3. UTC Time
This data is for viewing only and can not be altered. Manual position entry
is done in the DSC menu as outlined in Section
3 secs
3 secs
after 3 seconds elapse
3 secs 3 secs
To return to the main menu screen, again press FUNC followed by MENU.
To exit the Menu operation, press and hold the CLR key for 3 seconds.