Your RAY230/E radio should be connected to the nearest primary source
of ship's DC power. A typical source may be a circuit breaker on the power
panel or a fuse block near the unit. When connecting to either of these
sources, the circuit breaker or other in-line fuse should be rated at 10 amps.
It is recommended that lugs be used to connect the power cable to the DC
supply and the lug connections should be both crimped and soldered.
This is very important in order to ensure adequate current draw to the
equipment. If an insufficient connection is made to the power source, the
unit may not work properly. The connection terminal should be clean, with
no sign of corrosion.
The RED (+) wire is connected to the positive terminal of the power source.
The BLACK (–) wire is connected to the negative (ground) of the power
source. Should the power connections be inadvertently reversed, the unit
will not power up but no damage will occur. Simply check the polarity with
a VOM (Voltage/Ohm Meter) and reconnect observing correct polarity. If
the fuse ever needs replacement, be sure to use the same type and rating.
2.4.2 Hailer Cable Connections
The YELLOW (+) wire and GREEN (–) wire are used for connecting the
RAY230/RAY230E to a Hailer Horn speaker, such as the Raymarine M95435
(Refer to Figure 2-3).
10 watts of audio output power are provided for an external 4 ohm speaker.
Connect the YELLOW (+) wire and GREEN (-) wire to the speaker observing
polarity as it is marked on the speaker. When connected, the hailer horn
speaker will operate in Hailer or Fog modes.
CAUTION: To avoid damage to the radio, DO NOT connect the Hailer
GREEN (–) wire to the Hailer YELLOW (+) wire. Also, DO NOT
connect the Hailer GREEN (–) wire to the Power BLACK (–) wire.
Figure 2-4 Power Cable Length