4.2 Preventative Maintenance
The RAY230/230E has been constructed to be virtually maintenance free.
Your attention to a few basic points should assure many years of service.
1. Although the unit is waterproof, always keep the unit as dry as possible.
2. Clean the exterior of the unit with a tissue or soft non-abrasive cloth.
Do not use solvents or other chemicals for cleaning this equipment.
3. Inspect the radio case and antenna for any physical damage.
4.3 Specifications
4.3.1 Transmitter
Channels All available US, International, and Canadian VHF
Marine Band
Frequency Stability +/- 10 PPM (+/- 0.001%) (-20°C to +50°C)
Frequency Range 156.025 to 157.425 MHz
Channel Spacing 25 kHz increments
Power Output 25 W switchable to 1W into 50 ohms at 13.6 VDC
Modulation Frequency modulated 16F3
(+/-4.5 kHz at 1000 Hz)
Mod. Audio Response Shall not vary +1/-3dB from true 6dB pre-emphasis
from 300 to 2500 Hz, reference 1000 Hz. Audio
frequencies 3-20 kHz shall be attenuated (at 1 kHz
by 60 log f/3 dB. Above 20 kHz by 50 dB)
FM Hum & Noise level
Less than -40 dB below audio
Audio Distortion Less than 10 % at 1 kHz for 3 kHz deviation
Spurious & Harmonic Attenuated at least 43+10 log Po (below rated
radiated carrier Emissions power) per FCC Rules
Part 2 & 80
Antenna Impedance 50 ohms
Transmitter Protection Shall survive open or short circuit of antenna
system without damage (10 min. test)