
4 – Command Reference
Command Syntax
SN0054659-00 A 4-25
Remote Map
Maps an initiator and target, one of which is located on a remote system (router).
After you enter this command, it prompts you to enter the remote system (router),
then lists the devices (initiators and targets) located on the remote system. You
can select a device from the remote system and then the local system.
Authority Admin session
Syntax remotemap
Keywords add
Adds a device mapping, initiator to target, one of which is remote.
Modifies an existing remote device mapping.
Removes a remote device mapping.
Examples Remotemap add command example:
QRouter (admin) #> remotemap add
The following wizard will create a mapping a device connected to the
local system and a device connected to the selected remote peer
system. If you wish to terminate this wizard before reaching the end
of the list press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
Index (System Info, Mgmt IP Address)
----- ------------------------------
0 iSR-6142.0608A00487(
Please select a REMOTE system from the list above ('q' to quit) : 0
Index (WWNN,WWPN/iSCSI Name)
----- ----------------------
0 20:20:00:d0:b2:02:86:d0,21:20:00:d0:b2:02:86:d0 (Init/Tgt)
1 20:21:00:d0:b2:02:86:d0,21:21:00:d0:b2:02:86:d0 (Init/Tgt)
2 20:20:00:d0:b2:02:86:d1,21:20:00:d0:b2:02:86:d1 (Init/Tgt)
3 20:21:00:d0:b2:02:86:d1,21:21:00:d0:b2:02:86:d1 (Init/Tgt)
Please select a LOCAL device from the list above ('q' to quit) : 0
Index (WWNN,WWPN/iSCSI Name)