
A – Log Messages
Informational Log Messages
SN0054659-00 A A-5
Fibre Channel Driver
The following informational log messages are common to both Fibre Channel
ports: 1 (FC1) and 2 (FC2). The messages are listed in Table A-3 and described
following the table. Log messages beginning with #0 denote Fibre Channel port 1
(FC1). Log messages beginning with #1 denote Fibre Channel port 2 (FC2).
Table A-3. Fibre Channel Driver—Informational Log Messages
ID Log Message No.
118882 #%d: QLIoctlDisable: Reset adapter 98
119088 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: LIP occurred (%x): mailbox1 = %x 304
119089 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: LIP reset occurred (%x): mailbox1
119090 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Link up (%x) mailbox1 = %x 306
119092 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Link mode up (%x): RunTimeMode=%x 308
119093 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: RSCN update (%x) rscnInfo: %x 309
119097 #%d: QLIsrEventHandler: Port update (%x) mb1-3 %x %x %x 313
119552 #%d: QLFcipIsrEventHandler: Link up (%x) mailbox1 = %x 768
119553 #%d: QLFcipIsrEventHandler: Link down (%x) 769
119554 #%d: QLFcipIsrEventHandler: Link mode up (%x) 770
98 Request to reset the FC processor (adapter) received from IOCTL interface.
304 Fibre Channel loop initialization procedure (LIP) occurred. The LIP type is
reported, as is the contents of the FC processor’s mailbox 1 register.
305 Fibre Channel LIP reset occurred. The LIP reset type is reported, as is the
contents of the FC processor’s mailbox 1 register.
306 Fibre Channel link up occurred. Event status is reported, as is the contents
of the FC processor’s mailbox 1 register.
308 Fibre Channel link up occurred. Event status is reported, as is the
RunTimeMode (0 = loop, 1 = point-to-point).
309 A RSCN was received. Event status is reported, as is the RSCN information.
313 Fibre Channel port update. Event status is reported, as is the contents of the
FC processor’s mailbox 1, 2, and 3 registers.