Very little maintenance is actually required on the PORT-A-COOL® unit. Most of the
maintenance on the PORT-A-COOL® unit is cleanliness. Keeping the PORT-A-COOL®
unit clean will do more than any other single item to keep your new PORT-A-COOL®
unit in peak operating condition. The rugged, corrosion-resistant construction of the
PORT-A-COOL® unit and industrial grade components make for the low maintenance
characteristics of the PORT-A-COOL® unit.
A. Daily Maintenance
Daily maintenance is really more an operational consideration than actual maintenance.
On a daily basis, the pump should be turned off approximately 15 minutes before the fan
is turned off. This will allow the cooling pads to dry out and help extend their life, help-
ing to control the growth of mildew, mold, bacteria and other odor causing elements.
B. Weekly Maintenance
At the end of the week or at a scheduled time, the unit should be shut down and the
sump tank should be drained. On the 36- and 24-inch models, this is accomplished by
closing the Spray Bar Adjustment Valve and opening the Drain Valve. If it is desired, a
hose may be attached to the Drain Valve to direct the drained water to a remote disposal
area. Once the Drain Valve is open, starting the pump will drain the unit. On the 16-inch
model, a simple drain plug in the sump tank may be removed and the sump drained.
Once the sump is drained and the power disconnected, the pads may be removed to
allow inspection of the sump tank. Assuming that the PORT-A-COOL® unit is in a dusty
environment, a lot of the dust will be collected in the sump tank. This dirt may be vacu-
umed out using a wet/dry shop vacuum and wiped clean with a cloth.
C. Storage
Storage of the PORT-A-COOL® unit is very simple.
1) Drain all water from the sump tank and clean as above, ensuring that the pads and
sump are completely dry.
2) Disconnect air supply hose and roll up to insure that they will not be rolled over,
tripped over or caught in equipment.
3) Cover the
PORT-A-COOL® unit completely to prevent dust build-up and store in a
dry area. This also helps prevent damage to the pads.