A. Unpacking the PORT-A-COOL® unit.
The pneumatic PORT-A-COOL® unit models ( PAC2K36AD, PAC2K24AD, PAC2K16AD),
are packed according to the model. The 36” reaction fan model (PAC2K36AD) is crated
on a wooden pallet. This model comes completely assembled and thus weighs in excess
of 460 lbs. It should be handled with caution . The 24” and 16” models ( PAC2K24AD,
PAC2K16AD) are shipped in one large package on a single pallet. The air mover is in an
individual package. These two models require assembly before operating. See page A-l for
assembly information.
B. Removing the cooling media. (Disconnect air source)
Caution - Disconnect air supply before performing this operation!!
The PORT-A-COOL® unit should now be exposed to allow removal of the cooling media
(pads). On the 36” and 24” model, the front flap and the pad screen ( if installed) must be
removed to allow access to the cooling pads. Start with the center pad, which should be
tilted out from the top and lifted out of the drain trough. The two pads to either side of the
center pad may then be removed in the same manner. Should you desire to remove the two
outside pads, they must first be pulled sideways toward the center of the PORT-A-COOL®
unit until they clear the side retainer. They may then be removed as the other pads.
C. Connecting the water and compressed air.
Water Connection (PORT-A-COOL® unit must be upright and sitting on a
stable surface.)
After the PORT-A-COOL® unit has been thoroughly tested at the factory, the special
female/female adapter is connected to the brass bulkhead connector on the left side of
the PORT-A-COOL® unit (when looking at the fan side). Simply attach a standard garden
hose to the brass female/female adapter.
Verify that the rubber hose washer is in place before attaching, and tighten the fitting to
guarantee that a secure connection is made. Once the hose connection is made, water
may be turned on to the PORT-A-COOL® unit. Water should now be entering through
the float valve to fill the sump tank.
To verify that your connections are well made, manually lift the float (in all models) in the
float valve until it seats against the top of the valve housing. The water flow should stop
and the inlet connections may now be visually checked for leaks, paying particular atten-
tion to the hose connection to the float valve and the connections to the bulkhead fitting,
these connection may loosen during shipment.
The cooling pads may now be replaced by reversing the removal operation above in
Section I, Paragraph B.