C. Evaporative Cooling and the PORT-A-COOL® unit.
The PORT-A-COOL® unit is the state of the art, high efficiency, portable evaporative
cooling device. High Efficiency, rigid cooling media coupled with a unique patented
housing design allows the PORT-A-COOL® unit to cool effectively in very high relative
humidity conditions. Conditions that no other portable evaporative cooling device, such
as the old style swamp cooler, could possibly approach.
The public has an initial tendency to equate the PORT-A-COOL® unit with the ‘swamp
cooler,’ and in reality the only thing that they have in common is that they are both evap-
orative coolers, much as the ‘73 model automobile and ‘96 model automobile are both
cars. The key to efficient evaporative cooling is using a specially designed, high efficiency,
rigid cooling media contained in a properly designed housing to insure effective direct-
ing of the air over the water san~rated media at the proper air velocity. The PORT-A-
COOL® unit has incorporated all of these features and more.
As explained in PART B of this section, the effectiveness of the PORT-A-COOL® unit is
best appreciated when it is above 85°F and below 75% relative humidity. By the tıme the
outside temperature reaches 85°F, the humidity is almost always below 75%. The two go