Routing to: It can select IP or FXO for the auto routing function. Machine will according to the Routing
rule to dial out by IP or FXO method.
Routing rule: The Routing rule feature has drop number function, and it can use “+” to separate for
many routing rules.
Example: Routing rule : D007+009
1. When the dialing numbers are start as “007”, for example 00712345678. It will drop 007 then
number become 12345678, and according to Routing to setting to select the routing way.
2. When the dialing number is start as “007”, for example 00987654321. It needs not drop
number, and according to Routing to setting to select the routing way.
If enable the Routing function and the dialing number is
match with Routing rule, machine will carry out the Routing
function and to skip over the below Drop prefix and Replace
rule functions.
Flash Time Setting (For VIP-154NT)
When you use the VIP-154NT and you need to press the Hook to do the Flash (Switch to the other
phone line or HOLD), this function is for you to set the time you press the Hook to represent the Flash
Call waiting Settings
When you are talking with other people, You can choose If you want to hear the notice when there is a
new coming call. If the call waiting function is On, if there is a new incomeing call, you will hear the call
waiting notice in your current call. If you set the function to Off, then you will not hear any notice.