Call Forward
This page defines Call Forward function. You can setup the phone number you want to forward in this
page. There are three type of Forward mode. You can choose All Forward, Busy Forward, and No
Answer Forward by click the icon.
All Forward: All incoming call will forward to the number you chosen. You can input the name and the
phone number in URL field. If you select this function, then all the incoming call will direct forward to the
speed dial number you choose.
Busy Forward: If you are on the phone, the new incoming call will forward to the number you choosed.
You can input the name and the phone number in URL field.
No Answer Forward: If you can not answer the phone, the incoming call will forward to the number you
chosen. You can input the name and the phone number in URL field. Also you have to set the Time Out
time for system to start to forward the call to the number you choosed.
When you finished the setting, please click the Submit button.