After confirming the modification you’ve done, Please click on the Submit button to apply settings and
browse to “Save & Reboot” menu to reboot the machine to make the settings effective.
Connection Type Data required.
Fixed IP
In most circumstances, it is no need to configure the DHCP
DHCP clinet
The ISP will assign IP Address, and related information.
The ISP will assign PPPoE username / password for Internet
Please consult your ISP personnel to obtain proper PPPoE/IP
address related information, and input carefully.
If Internet connection cannot be established, please check
the physical connection or contact the ISP service staff
for support information.
L Hint
Save Modification to Flash Memory
Most of the IP Phone parameters will take effective after you modify, but it is just temporary stored on
RAM only, it will disappear after your reboot or power off the IP PHone, to save the parameters into
Flash ROM and let it take effective forever, please remember to press the Save & Reboot button after
you modify the parameters.