AUDIO BOOK(audiobook speed)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the settingmode.
2 TurnM.C. to selectyour favorite setting.
! FASTER– Playback at aspeed faster than
! NORMAL –Playback at normal speed
! SLOWER –Playback at aspeed slower
than normal
S.RTRV(sound retriever)
Automatically enhancescompressed audio and
restores richsound.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
Fordetails, refer to Enhancingcompressed
audio andrestoring rich sound (soundretriever)
on theprevious page.
Using Pandora
Requirements to access Pandora using the
Pioneer car audio/videoproducts:
! iPhone compatibility
Apple iPhone(first generation), iPhone3G,
iPhone 3GS,iPhone 4, iPhone4S, iPodtouch 1G,
iPod touch 2G, iPod touch3G or iPod touch 4G
(firmware version3.0 or later).
Certain firmwareversions for the iPhonemay not
be compatiblewith the Pandora application.If
this appearsto be thecase, please update the
firmware toa version thatis compatible with
! Latest versionof the Pandora application, down-
loaded toyour device (SearchApple iTunes App
Store for “Pandora”).
! Current Pandora account(Free accountand paid
accounts availablefrom Pandora;create a free
account onlineat
http://www.pandora.com/register or throughthe
Pandora application forthe iPhone).
! Data Plan
Note: If theData Plan for youriPhone does not
provide forunlimited data usage,additional
charges from yourcarrier may apply foraccessing
the Pandora service via3G and/or EDGE net-
! Connection tothe Internet via3G, EDGE or Wi-Fi
! Optional Pioneer adapter cableconnecting your
iPhone tothe Pioneercar audio/video products.
! Access tothe Pandoraservicewill depend onthe
availability ofa cellular and/orWi-Fi network for
purposes ofallowing your deviceto connect to
the Internet.
! Ability ofthe Pioneer caraudio/video products to
access thePandora service issubject to change
without noticeand could be affectedby any of
the following:compatibility issues withfuture
firmware versionsof iPhone; compatibilityissues
with futurefirmware versions of thePandoraap-
plication forthe iPhone; changesto the Pandora
music service byPandora;discontinuation of the
Pandora music service byPandora.
! Certain functionsof the Pandora service are not
available whenaccessing the service through the
Pioneercar audio/video products,including, but
not limitedto, creating newstations, deleting sta-
tions, emailingcurrent stations, buyingtracks
from iTunes, viewing additionaltext information,
logging into Pandora, andadjusting Cell Net-
work AudioQuality.
Pandora internet radio is a music service not af-
filiated with Pioneer. More information is avail-
able at http://www.pandora.com.
You can play Pandora by connecting your
iPhone with the Pandora application installed.
Basic operations
Playing tracks
1 Connect an iPhone tothe USB cableusing an
iPhone DockConnector.
2 Start up thePandora applicationinstalled on
the iPhone.
Giving aThumbs Up
1 Press 1/
to givea “Thumbs Up” forthe track
currently playing.
Giving aThumbs Down
1 Press 2/
to givea “Thumbs Down”for the
track currentlyplaying and toskip to the next
Skipping tracks
1 Press d.
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired text information
1 Press DISPto cycle between thefollowing:
! TRACK INFO(station name/track title/ar-
tist name/albumtitle)
! ELAPSED TIME(playback time)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! SPEANA (spectrumanalyzer)
! TRACK INFO text informationwill change au-
! Depending on the station, text information
can be changed.
Selecting and playing the
QuickMix/station list
The device name that appears on the screen
may not be the same as the devicename of the
connected device.
1 Press
(list) to switch to the QuickMix/
station list mode.
2 Use M.C. to select the QuickMix or de-
sired station.
Changing thesort order
1 Press
! ABC –Youcan sort theitems in the listalpha-
! DATE –Youcan sort the itemsin the listin
order of thedates on whichthe items were
Changing QuickMixor stations
1 TurnM.C.
1 When QuickMix or thestation is selected,
press M.C.
Operations using special buttons
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE topause or resume.
Enhancing compressedaudio and restoringrich
sound (soundretriever)
Only forDEH-4500BT
1 Press 3/S.Rtrvto cycle between:
1—2—OFF (off)
1 iseffective for lowcompression rates, and 2
is effectivefor high compressionrates.
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
3 Turn M.C. to select the function.
Once selected, the following functions can be
Operating this unit
Operating this unit