Message Cause Action
Device error
message dis-
played in
Pandora Appli-
Unable toplay
music from
Please checkyour
NO STATION Nostation
Create astation
in thePandora
application on
your iPhone.
No stationse-
Select astation.
Handling guidelines
Discs and player
Use onlydiscs that featureeither of the following
two logos.
Use 12-cmdiscs. Do notuse 8-cm discs oran
adapter for 8-cmdiscs.
Use onlyconventional, fully circular discs.Do not
use shapeddiscs.
Do notinsert anything other thana CD intothe
CD loadingslot.
Do notuse cracked, chipped,warped, or other-
wise damageddiscs as they maydamage the play-
Unfinalized CD-R/RWdiscs cannot be played
Do nottouch the recordedsurface of the discs.
Store discsin their cases whennot in use.
Do notattach labels, writeon or apply chemicals
to thesurface of thediscs.
To cleana CD, wipethe disc witha soft cloth out-
ward fromthe center.
Condensation maytemporarily impair theplayer’s
performance. Let itrest for about onehour to ad-
just toa warmer temperature.Also, wipe any
damp discsoff with a softcloth.
Playback ofdiscs may notbe possible becauseof
disc characteristics,disc format, recordedapplica-
tion, playbackenvironment, storage conditions,
and soon.
Road shocksmay interrupt discplayback.
Read theprecautions for discsbefore using them.
When usingdiscs that can beprinted on labelsur-
faces, checkthe instructions and thewarnings of
the discs.Depending on thediscs, inserting and
ejecting maynot be possible.Using such discs
may resultin damage to thisequipment.
Do notattach commercially availablelabels or
other materialsto the discs.
! The discsmay warp making thedisc unplay-
! The labelsmay come off duringplayback and
prevent ejectionof the discs, whichmay result
in damageto the equipment.
USB storage device
Address anyquestions you have aboutyour USB
storage deviceto the manufacturerof the device.
Connections viaUSB hub arenot supported.
Do notconnect anything otherthan a USB stor-
age device.
Firmly securethe USB storagedevice when driv-
ing. Donot let the USBstorage device fallonto the
floor, whereit may becomejammed under the
brake oraccelerator pedal.
Depending onthe USB storage device,the follow-
ing problemsmay occur.
! Operations mayvary.
! The storagedevice may not berecognized.
! Files maynot be playedback properly.
! The devicemay generate noisein the radio.
Do notleave the iPod in placeswith high tempera-
To ensureproper operation, connectthe dock con-
nector cablefrom the iPod directly tothis unit.
Firmly securethe iPodwhen driving. Donot let the
iPodfall onto thefloor, where itmay become
jammed underthe brake or acceleratorpedal.
About iPod settings
! When aniPod isconnected, this unitchanges
the EQ(equalizer) setting of theiPod tooff in
order tooptimize the acoustics. Whenyou dis-
connect theiPod, the EQreturns to theoriginal
! You cannot setRepeat to offon the iPod when
using thisunit. Repeat isautomatically
changed toAll when theiPod isconnected to
this unit.
Incompatible textsaved on theiPod willnot be dis-
played bythe unit.
DualDiscs aretwo-sided discs that havea record-
able CDfor audio onone side and arecordable
DVD for videoon the other.
Since theCD side of DualDiscsis not physically
compatible withthe general CD standard,it may
not bepossible to play theCD side withthis unit.
Frequentloading and ejectingof a DualDiscmay
result inscratches on the disc.Serious scratches
can leadto playback problemson this unit. In
some cases,a DualDisc may becomestuck in the
disc loadingslot and willnot eject. Toprevent this,
we recommendyou refrain from usingDualDisc
with thisunit.
Please referto the informationfrom the disc man-
ufacturer for more detailedinformation about
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB)
File extension:.wma
Bit rate:48kbps to 320kbps (CBR),48kbps to
384kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32 kHz,44.1 kHz, 48kHz
Windows MediaAudio Professional,Lossless,
Voice/DRMStream/Stream with video:Not com-
File extension:.mp3
Bit rate:8kbps to 320kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to 48kHz (32kHz,
44.1kHz, 48kHz for emphasis)
Additional information
Additional information