! TRACK INFO and FILE INFO text information
will change automatically.
! Depending on the version of iTunes usedto
write MP3 files to a disc or mediafile types,
incompatible text stored within an audio file
may be displayed incorrectly.
! Text information items that can be changed
depend on the media.
Selecting and playing files/
tracks from the name list
1 Press toswitch to the file/track name
list mode.
2 Use M.C. to select the desired file name
(or folder name).
Selecting afile or folder
1 TurnM.C.
1 When a fileor track is selected,press M.C.
Viewing alist of thefiles (or folders) in these-
lected folder
1 When a folder isselected, press M.C.
Playing asong in theselected folder
1 When a folder isselected, press andhold M.C.
Operations using special buttons
Selecting arepeat play range
1 Press 6/
to cyclebetween the following:
! ALL –Repeat all tracks
! ONE –Repeat the currenttrack
! FLD –Repeat the currentfolder
USB storagedevice
! ALL –Repeat all files
! ONE –Repeat the currentfile
! FLD –Repeat the currentfolder
Playing tracksin random order
1 Press 5/
to turnrandom play onor off.
Tracks ina selected repeatrange are played in
random order.
! To changesongs during randomplay, pressd
to switchto the nexttrack. Pressingc restarts
playback ofthe current trackfrom the begin-
ning ofthe song.
Pausing playback
1 Press 4/PAUSE topause or resume.
Enhancing compressedaudio and restoringrich
sound (soundretriever)
Only forDEH-4500BT
1 Press 3/S.Rtrvto cycle between:
1—2—OFF (off)
1 iseffective for lowcompression rates, and 2
is effectivefor high compressionrates.
! Key operationis disabled whenMIXTRAX is
Function settings
1 Press M.C. to display the main menu.
2 Turn M.C. to change the menu option
and press to select FUNCTION.
Once selected, the function below canbe ad-
! S.RTRVis not availablewhen MIXTRAX is
turned on.
S.RTRV(sound retriever)
Automatically enhancescompressed audio and
restores richsound.
1 Press M.C. toselect the desiredsetting.
Fordetails, refer to Enhancingcompressed
audio andrestoring rich sound (soundretriever)
on thispage.
Basic operations
Playing songson an iPod
1 Open the USB portcover.
2 Connect an iPod to theUSB cable usingan
iPod Dock Connector.
Playback isperformedautomatically.
Selecting asong (chapter)
1 Press c ord.
Selecting analbum
1 Press 1/
or 2/ .
Fast forwarding or reversing
1 Press andhold c or d.
! The iPod cannot be turned on or off when the
control mode is set to CONTROL AUDIO.
! Disconnect headphones from the iPod be-
fore connecting it to this unit.
! The iPod will turn off about two minutes after
the ignition switch is set to OFF.
Operations using the MIXTRAX
Turning MIXTRAXon or off
Only forDEH-X6500BTand DEH-X65BT
1 Press 3/MIX toturn MIXTRAX onor off.
! Formore details aboutMIXTRAX, refer to
About MIXTRAX on page15.
! Formore details aboutMIXTRAX functions,
refer toMIXTRAX menu onpage 15.
Switching the display
Selecting thedesired text information
1 Press DISPto cycle between thefollowing:
! TRACK INFO(track title/artist name/album
! ELAPSED TIME(track number andplay-
back time)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! SPEANA (spectrumanalyzer)
! CONTROL APP(APP MODE isdisplayed)
! CLOCK (sourcename and clock)
! SPEANA (spectrumanalyzer)
TRACK INFO text information will changeauto-
Browsing for a song
1 Press toswitch to the top menu of list
Operating this unit
Operating this unit