5.3.2 Setting the TCP/IP Protocol
The protocol needed to setup the Direct Print Utility port is the TCP/IP protocol.
If you try to install the Direct Print Utility without installing the necessary protocol
first, the following corresponding dialog box will be displayed:
Follow the procedure below to install the TCP/IP protocol:
The manuals that come with Windows 95/98/Me for details on the way to install the TCP/
IP protocol.
Start Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows Me.
Click Start and select Settings, followed by Control Panel. Double-click the
"Network" icon to display its dialog box.
Click Add on the "Configuration" tab dialog.
The "Select Network Component Type" dialog box appears.
Click Protocol in the "Select Network Component Type" dialog box. Then, click
The "Select Network Protocol" dialog box appears.
Click Microsoft in the "Manufacturers" box in the "Select Network Protocol"
dialog box.
A list of protocols appears in the "Network Protocols" box.
Click TCP/IP.
Then click OK.
Click OK on the "Network" dialog box.
Restart the system.
5.3 Installing the Direct Print Utility