Menu Item Description
Network Settings (con't...) • TCP/IP: DNS Server
Sets the IP address of the Domain Name System (DNS) server when asked to
see the DNS while using the TCP/IP protocol. Displayed as "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd"
where aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd are each a 3-digit value of 000 - 255. However, "aaa"
cannot be 127 or any number from 224-255. Check with the network system
administrator for the value to specify.
• Agent: IPX Start Up
Defines the setting of the agent which uses IPX as a protocol of the transport
Available options: Off*, On.
Agent is necessary when using SNMP software with which you can manage
multiple printers from a distance. The printer information is controlled by this
agent and the SNMP software will collect the printer information from the
agent. When you use SNMP software in the NetWare environment, activate
the agent by IPX.
• Agent: UDP Start Up
Defines the setting of the agent which uses UDP as a protocol of the transport
Available options: Off, On*.
Agent is necessary when using SNMP software with which you can manage
multiple printers from a distance. The printer information is controlled by this
agent and the SNMP software will collect the printer information from the
If UDP is set to On when the IP address is not set, the IP address
setting screen will be displayed. Set the IP address using this
screen. At this point, if the IP address is not set using this screen,
Agent: UDP Start Up will be forcibly set to Off.
• Agent: Community String
Specifies the community name for enabling the settings from the SNMP
software to this machine.
Input no more than 12 characters from A-Z, 0-9 and space.
Community String will be displayed when Agent: IPX Start Up or
Agent: UDP Start Up is set to ON.
• IPX/SPX Setting
Sets the operation frame type of IPX/SPX or the type of Token Ring.
Options available depend on whether the Ethernet card or Token Ring card is
Available options when the Ethernet card is installed:
• AUTO* : Sets automatically the frame type.
• Ethernet II : Uses the Ethernet II specification frame type.
• Ethernet 802.3 : Uses the IEEE 802.3/802.2 specification frame type.
• Ethernet 802.2 : Uses the IEEE 802.2 specification frame type.
• Ethernet SNAP : Uses the IEEE 802.3/802.2/SNAP specification frame type.
Available options when the Token Ring card is installed:
• Auto
• Token Ring
• Token Ring SNAP
IPX/SPX setting will be displayed when Agent: IPX Start Up,
IPX/SPX of Transport or NetWare: Port Status of NetWare is set to On.
13.2 System/Meter Settings
* factory setting