Setup for Windows Networking
7.4 Changing Printer and Workgroup Name
Setting format of config.txt
Item Remarks Value Factory Setting
Printer Language Language to be used. Japanese/ English
Host Name Host name of the printer Maximum FX-xxxxxx
15 bytes (xxxxxx: last 3 bytes
of the printer MAC
Workgroup Name of workgroup of printer Maximum WORKGROUP
15 bytes
NETBEUI Activation of NetBEUI protocol On/Off On
TCP/IP Activation of TCP/IP protocol On/Off On
Spool Activation of spool function. Disk/Memory/ Off
Can select from Disk, Memory, Off
and Off.
If Disk is not recognised when it is
selected, it will become Off.
Max Spool Size The maximum receive buffer size 512 - 32768 1024 Kbyte
during spooling. (unit: Kbyte)
Can be set in 256 Kbyte units.
Max Receive Buffer The maximum receive buffer size 64 - 1024 256 Kbyte
during non-spooling. (unit: Kbyte)
Can be set in 32 Kbyte units.
Auto Driver Download Activation of the automatic Enable/Disable Enable
downloading of printer driver.
PJL Activation of PJL On/Off On
Print Mode Set the printer language. AUTO/PS/PCL AUTO
Auto Master Mode Activation of the automatic browse On/Off On
master feature.
No available when WINS Server
is designated.
Encrypt Password Activation of the encrypt On/Off On
password feature.
Time Zone Set the time zone in units of -720 to 720 540 mins
minutes. (unit: minutes) (Japan)
Summer Time Set the period of summer time hour-start-end