Internet Fax
1. Your machine can receive text email from a PC, and print ANSI characters. It will print a "z" symbol if an unrecognized
character is received.
2. Received email font and character size are fixed, and cannot be changed.
3. Text email will be printed at about 72 lines per page. It is recommended that you use A4/Letter size recording paper.
4. If the received text email includes a file attachment in a format other than TIFF-F, such as PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
your machine prints an error message instead.
5. If the received email includes attached TIFF-F formatted image files, the text and TIFF-F formatted image file will be printed
on separate pages.
■ Internet Mail Reception
When transmitting a document to an email address, the following instructions are sent as text message in addition to the TIFF-
F formatted image file.
An Image data in TIFF-F format has been attached to this email. You can download the TIFF-F Image Viewer from the following
URL address:
Note: If the document(s) being sent are in the PDF format, the following message is shown instead.
An image data in PDF format has been attached to this email.
■ Sending a Document to a PC via LAN
To prevent unauthorized stations from accessing your Relay Station for Internet Relayed Transmission, you must set up your
Network security. Enter a Relay Station Name, which is concealed from the final destinations, and a Manager's Email Address
for notification of all Internet Relayed Transmissions.
■ Internet Relayed Transmission