Advanced Internet
Fax Features
This Feature saves you time, and long distance phone line costs when sending an Internet Fax directly from your machine to
the end receiving station(s).
A Relay Network is basically composed of an Originating Station, which can be an Internet Fax Machine (your machine) or a
PC, a Relaying Internet Fax Machine (another machine), and End-receiving station(s), which can be regular G3 Fax machines.
By simply sending a Document(s) from your machine or an email message from a PC, to the Relay Machine, which is then
transmitted by your machine to the end receiving station(s) using regular phone lines as a normal G3 Fax message. (PC can
have TIFF-F or text (.txt) file attachment)
The end receiving station(s) are usually local in relation to the Relay Station, which incurs a local telephone charge for the Fax
After the Relay Station completes its transmission to the end receiving station(s), a Communication Journal is sent back to the
originator from the Relaying Internet Fax confirming whether the Internet Relayed Transmission was successful. Any Relay
activity information is sent by email from the Relaying Internet Fax to its Manager's Email Address, which is programmed in the
Relaying Internet Fax machine's User Parameters. (See pages 54-55)
Figure 1 shows a sample network as seen from New York
(Initiating Station)
, London and Singapore are
(Relay Stations)
connected to New York, and the
End Receiving Stations
are Stockholm, Rome, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Sydney.
With this simple network using two Relay Stations, you can send a document with one operation to any combination of stations
in the network via the London Relay Station and/or Singapore Relay Station.
■ Relay Network
Figure 1: Sample Network
New York
Tel. No.: 46 8 111 1234
Tel. No.: 39 6 111 1234
Tel. No.: 81 33 111 1234
Hong Kong
Tel. No.: 852 23123456
Tel. No.: 61 2 111 1234
New York
Email Address: ifax@newyork.panasonic.com
Host Name: newyork
Relay XMT Password: usa-rly
Email Address: ifax@london.panasonic.co.uk
Host Name: london
Relay XMT Password: uk-rly
Email Address: ifax@singapore.panasonic.co.sg
Host Name: singapore
Relay XMT Password: sg-rly