Advanced Internet Fax Features
Table 1, 2 and 3 are sample settings for the Sample Network shown in Figure 1.
Table 1: Sample Parameter and Address Book Dialling Number Table for New York (Originating Station)
Telephone Number : 212 111 1234
Email Address (SMTP) : ifax@newyork.panasonic.com
Host Name : newyork
Relay XMT Password : usa-rly
Station Name Email Address / Telephone Number Relay Station Address
London ifax@london.panasonic.co.uk ---
Stockholm 46 8 111 1234 [London Relay]
Singapore ifax@singapore.panasonic.co.sg ---
Tokyo 81 33 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
London Relay uk-rly@london.panasonic.co.uk ---
Singapore Relay sg-rly@singapore.panasonic.co.sg ---
Rome 39 6 111 1234 [London Relay]
Hong Kong 852 23123456 [Singapore Relay]
Sydney 61 2 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
Table 2: Sample Parameter and Address Book Dialling Number Table for London (Relaying Station)
Telephone Number : 71 111 1234
Email Address (SMTP) : ifax@london.panasonic.co.uk
Host Name : london
Relay XMT Password : uk-rly
Station Name Email Address / Telephone Number Relay Station Address
New York ifax@newyork.panasonic.com ---
Stockholm 46 8 111 1234 [London Relay]
Singapore ifax@singapore.panasonic.co.sg ---
Tokyo 81 33 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
Singapore Relay sg-rly@singapore.panasonic.co.sg ---
Rome 39 6 111 1234 [London Relay]
Hong Kong 852 23123456 [Singapore Relay]
Sydney 61 2 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
London Relay uk-rly@london.panasonic.co.uk ---
Table 3: Sample Parameter and Address Book Dialling Number Table for Singapore (Relaying Station)
Telephone Number : 65 111 1234
Email Address (SMTP) : ifax@singapore.panasonic.co.sg
Host Name : singapore
Relay XMT Password : sg-rly
Station Name Email Address / Telephone Number Relay Station Address
London ifax@london.panasonic.co.uk ---
Stockholm 46 8 111 1234 [London Relay]
New York ifax@newyork.panasonic.com ---
Tokyo 81 33 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
London Relay uk-rly@london.panasonic.co.uk ---
Rome 39 6 111 1234 [London Relay]
Hong Kong 852 23123456 [Singapore Relay]
Sydney 61 2 111 1234 [Singapore Relay]
Singapore Relay sg-rly@singapore.panasonic.co.sg ---
Relayed Transmission
1. The Relay XMT Password must be registered for your machine to work as a Relay Station.
2. To prevent unauthorized stations from accessing your Relay Station for Internet Relayed Transmissions,
you must setup your network security. Enter acceptable Domain Name(s) and the Manager's Email
Address for notification of all Internet Relayed Transmissions.