C9300/C9500 Software Utilities • 461
Client PC Install Instructions
Install the Job Account Printer Driver in the Client PC first, and then
the Client S/W.
To install the Job Account Printer Driver:
1. Install the Job Account Printer Driver using Add Printer Wizard.
2. Click on the Have Disk... button on the screen to select the
printer driver, and then specify the directory among the following
in your CD-ROM.
\DRIVERS\WIN9X\PCLPCL driver for Windows95/98/Me
\DRIVERS\WIN9X\PSPostScript driver for Windows95/98/Me
\DRIVERS\NT40\PCLPCL driver for Windows NT4.0
\DRIVERS\NT40\PSPostScript driver for Windows NT4.0
\DRIVERS\WIN2000\PCLPCL driver for Windows2000
\DRIVERS\WIN2000\PSPostScript driver for Windows2000
3. Follow the Add Printer Wizard instructions.
To install the Client S/W:
Run \CLIENT\SETUP.EXE EXE, select the installed driver, and then
set the Job Account Mode.
Client PC Install Instructions (Macintosh)
Read the ReadMe file in the Drivers folder.
The drivers supplied with your C7100/7300/7500/9300/9500
are designed for use with the Job Accounting software and
must be used for it to function correctly.