
IP Trunk Administration F IP Trunk Installation and
Administration for Network Connectivity
CID: 77730 555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000
For any two-site configuration, you would fill out Worksheet 1 and one of the
worksheets 2–8. Use the worksheets as follows:
1 Fill out the general information about your sites using Worksheet 1.
The Field Codes on Worksheet 1 consist of a number (1 or 2) that indicates the
site, and a letter (A–J) that indicates a field on an administration screen. For each
code, the Field Value column holds the specific value for that field for your
switches. The field codes are used on all the other worksheets to indicate the
values to enter from Worksheet 1.
For example, field code 1A corresponds to the field International Access code for
site 1. You would enter the value in the Field Value column for the International
Access code for your site-1 switch. Then, when 1A appears on a subsequent
worksheet, you would enter the value corresponding to 1A from Worksheet 1.
2 Use the second and subsequent worksheets to plan switch and IP Trunk
On each worksheet, in the Fill in with your actual values column, replace the
indicated field codes with the corresponding values you entered on Worksheet 1.
For example, on Worksheet 2 there is a field called Different Country for each
site. Its field code is 1A2B2D2E, which means that you would enter the values
from Worksheet 1 as follows:
<Site-1 International Access Code><Site-2 Country Code><Site-2 Area
Code><Site-2 Exchange>
Once you’ve done this, the result is the exact phone number that you’ll enter in
the matching field in the administration software.
Note: The IP Trunk application only recognizes digits. Don’t use characters
such as ~w, ~p, + and so on in dialed digit formats that will be sent to IP
trunks: the application won’t recognize these characters.
3 Use these worksheets to administer all your sites using IP Trunk. You can permit
a different level of off-premise dialing for each site. For example, Site 1 may
allow limited off-premise dialing, but Site 2 may not, and so on.