
Networking Screens
Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
A Screens Reference
Data Module - type
(used for BX.25 connections with the r model)
This form applies only to the r model.
Common Fields See Common Data Module Fields (256) for descriptions of fields on this screen that
are not listed below.
Baud Rate Specifies the data transmission rate for this connection.
Endpoint Type Must be assigned as adjunct. An endpoint type is a type of packet switched data
endpoint that uses X.25 call control procedures. The X.25 Endpoint connects to
external ports on the PGATE board and to the TDM bus via a DS1 trunk. Ports
connected to the adjunct endpoint can be either DTEs or DCEs.
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Data Extension: ____ Name: ____________________
Type: x.25 Remote Loop-Around Test? n
Port: __ COR: 1 Destination Number: ______
Baud Rate: __________ TN: 1 Establish Connection? n
Endpoint Type:_________ Connected Data Module: ____
Link: 1_ DTE/DCE: ___ Error Logging? _
Enable Link? n
Permanent Virtual Circuit? _ Highest PVC Logical Channel: __
Switched Virtual Circuit? _
Valid entries Usage
9600, 19200, switched Set to
9600 for DCS connections to the si model, or to
an r model with an external 9600 baud data line.
Set to
switched for r-to-r connections with
common-channel signaling on DS1 trunks.
Set to
9600 for connections to Intuity.
Set to either
9600 or 19200 for CMS, depending on
the physical connectivity.
Valid entries Usage
adjunct Set to
adjunct for DCS, CMS, or Intuity AUDIX.