
Now Showing
The Now Showing screen, shown
in Figure 8-14, displays thumbnail
sketches of the selected pictures.
Play: slideshow
When you start a slideshow, all of
the images in the selected folder
will appear sequentially on your
To start a slideshow:
1. From the Choose Pictures menu, select a folder to view or select All
2. On the Now Showing screen, press the Play/Pause button on the remote.
3. Use the Play/Pause, Stop, Next, and Back buttons on the remote to control
your slideshow.
4. Press the Options button to view the Pictures Options screen at any time.
Then you can shuffle or repeat the slideshow.
To manually run a slideshow, use the left and right arrow buttons on the remote
to change the pictures you are viewing. If a slideshow is running while you do
this, then the word “Pause” appears on the upper left side of the screen.
To start a slideshow with music:
1. Press the Music button on the remote, and select Choose Music.
2. Select the song you want to play from the appropriate music menu.
3. Press the Play button on the remote to start the music.
4. Press the Pictures button on the remote.
5. Select Choose Pictures.
Figure 8-14
At any time, you can use the Pictures button on the remote to access the
Pictures menu.
When you select the Pictures
menu, you have three choices:
Choose Pictures, Now Showing,
or Options. See Figure 8-11.
Choose Pictures
The Choose Pictures screen lets
you select the pictures to view (see
Figure 8-12). You can select All
Pictures, which displays all the
pictures in the shared picture fold-
er. You can also sort pictures by
their folder location on the host
computer. After you make your
selection, the Now Showing screen
will automatically appear.
All Pictures
Select All Pictures to show every
picture in your shared picture fold-
er (see Figure 8-13). This is useful
if you have a small collection of
If you sort by Folder, you will see
all the images in a given folder.
This is useful if you organize your
pictures by folders on your com-
Picture Menus
Figure 8-11
Figure 8-12
Figure 8-13