
Artists or Genres
If you want to play all the songs by
a certain artist or all the songs of a
certain genre (like jazz or classi-
cal), select Artists (see Figure 8-
5) or Genres. If you choose an
artist, then you will be asked to
choose a specific album.
To play certain songs in a specific
sequence, choose a playlist (see
Figure 8-6). This screen displays
the playlists that you have placed
in your computer’s shared music
The Adapter can play lists with the
these two extensions, .M3U and
After you create a playlist, place it
in the shared music folder. See
“Appendix B: Creating a Playlist”
for more information.
If you sort by Folder, you will see
all the songs in a given folder (see
Figure 8-7). This is useful if you
organize your music by folders on
your computer.
Figure 8-5
Figure 8-6
Figure 8-7
At any time, you can use the Music button on the remote to access the Music
When you select the Music menu,
you see three choices: Choose
Music, Now Playing, and Options.
See Figure 8-2.
Choose Music
The Choose Music screen, shown
in Figure 8-3, lets you select the
music you want to play, using a
variety of sorting methods. Select
music by artist or genre. You can
also select music by folder or
playlist. Depending on your fold-
ers and files, you will see addi-
tional screens offering the avail-
able choices. Press the Select but-
ton to make a selection.
All Songs
Select All Songs to play every
song in your shared music folder
(see Figure 8-4). This is useful if
you have a small collection of
MP3 and WMA files or if you
want to hear all the songs in your
digital music library.
Music Menus
Note: To use one of
these sorting methods,
your music files must be
tagged with data such as
artist or genre. If you
need to add or edit tags,
use your media player
software and refer to its
Figure 8-2
Figure 8-3
Figure 8-4