20 Making and Answering Calls
Note: You can set the phone to beep, light up, or
play a tune every five minutes to remind you that
you have voicemail. You can set the phone to beep or
vibrate every five minutes to remind you that you have
a voicemail message. See “Setting message alerts” on
page 42.
Calling emergency services
Regardless of your 3-digit emergency code
(911, 111, 999, 000, etc.), your phone operates as
described below.
• Dial your 3-digit emergency code and
press .
You can call the code even if your phone is locked,
has no balance, or is restricted. When you call,
your phone enters
Emergency mode. This enables
the emergency service exclusive access to your
phone to call you back, if necessary. To make or
receive regular calls after dialing the code,
you must exit this mode.
To exit Emergency mode
When you have completed the emergency call:
1. Press to select Exit.
2. Press again to confirm your choice.
Note: To determine who has access to your location,
see “Setting position location” on page 47.
Locking the keypad
The Keyguard locks your keypad on your phone to
prevent accidental keypresses when the phone is
turned on and a call is not in progress. You can still
answer or silence an incoming call.
• To lock the keypad, press and hold .
• To unlock the keypad, press to select
Keyguard and then press .
Changing the Keyguard setting
You can set the phone to lock the keypad
immediately, or automatically if no key is pressed
after 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 5 minutes.
1. Select Menu → Settings → Keyguard.
2. Highlight an option.
– Guard Now
– 30s auto-guard
– 1m auto-guard
– 5m auto-guard
– Disabled
Press to save.
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