Silvercrest KH 6508/KH 6509
➔ No sound
A Check whether the television and/or the DVD Player have been switched to mute
B Check whether all connecting cables between the DVD Player and connected
audio components have been fi rmly inserted into the correct sockets.
C Check whether the settings on the OSD menu match the manner of connection
of the audio components with the DVD Player.
For this subject please refer to Chapter 8. “Connecting Audio Components to the
DVD Player”.
D Refer to the operating instructions for the given television to check that all the
settings have been made on the television that are necessary to use the DVD
Player with the television.
E Refer to the operating instructions for connected audio components to fi nd out
whether settings have to be made to enable their use in connection with the
DVD Player.
F In the event that …
• the DVD Player has been connected to a stereo television and no audio compo-
nents have been connected to the DVD Player, or
• a Dolby Prologic-compatible audio component has been connected via the
stereo output (with chinch cable in the “FL” and “FR” chinch sockets) of the DVD
Player, as described in the chapter “Connecting a HiFi System” …
then check whether the settings in the “Audio” OSD menu item, “Size” sub-item,
match the settings for Stereo-Downmix.
➔ Remote control does not
A Check whether the batteries have been inserted in the remote control with the
correct polarity.
B Check whether the batteries in the remote control have become exhausted; ex-
change both batteries if necessary..
C Ensure that there are no obstacles between the remote control and the DVD
D Do not operate the remote control at a distance of more than fi ve meters from
the DVD Player.
➔ Language playback/Sub-
title language does not
match the setting in the
OSD menu.
The playback language/subtitle language set in the OSD menu is not available on
the loaded disc.
➔ One or several functions
cannot be switched on
The selected function may not be available on all DVDs/VCDs/S-VCDs. If you attempt
to carry out a function that is not available, then the symbol will be displayed on
the television screen.