Silvercrest KH 6508/KH 6509
To stop display (Pause)
To display the current picture for an indefi nite period, press
during picture display the “Pause/Step” button on the
front of the DVD Player or on the remote control. “ “ will
fl ash on the display on the front of the DVD Player, while
“ “ Pause will be displayed on the television screen.
Terminating picture display (Stop)
To terminate the display of a picture, press the “Stop”
button on the front of the DVD Player, or on the remote
control, once.
... with Resume Function
If you have terminated the display of pictures on the loaded
CD-R/CD-RW by pressing the “Stop” button once, then the
DVD Player will automatically store the point at which pic-
ture display was stopped (“Resume Function”). As soon as
the “Play” button on the front of the DVD Player or on the
remote control is depressed once again, picture display from
the stored point is continued.
Jump to the next/previous picture (Skip)
Use the “Skip Forward” and “Skip Backward” buttons on
the front of the DVD Player, or on the remote control, during
picture display to jump between the pictures of the loaded
CD-R/CD-RW, either …
• forward to the next picture, or
• backward to the previous picture.
The selected picture is instantly displayed. The number of
the displayed picture is indicated on the display on the front
of the DVD Player.
The Skip function can be used to jump only between the
next/previous picture of the current sub-folder.
Turning pictures
During the image display you can turn the currently displayed
image in 90° steps. For this purpose, press the control buttons
on the remote control; the image is turned by 90° each
time the button is pressed. The respectively selected turn
– between 90° and 270° - is faded in on the TV screen.
Entering the picture number with the
numeral buttons
Proceed in the following manner to select a picture directly by
entering the picture number with the numeral buttons …
1 During picture display, or when picture display has been
stopped/terminated, enter the title number with the cor-
responding numeral keys on the remote control – e.g. the
“3” button for the third picture, or consecutively the “1”
and “0” buttons for the tenth picture. The entered num-
bers are displayed on the television screen.
If there are folders: Only pictures in the current sub-
folder can be selected by direct picture selection.
Picture selection via the search function
Proceed in the following manner for direct picture selection
by way of the search function …
1 Press while the CD-R menu is faded in the “Search” button
on the remote control once.
2 The “Search” menu is shown on the television screen:
Track – – – –
3 Enter with the numeral buttons 0 to 9 on the remote
control the number of the picture you wish to display.
The picture number can be composed of one to four
If there are folders: Only the pictures in the current sub-
folder can be selected with the numeral buttons.
4 Press the “OK” button on the remote control once to in-
stantly display the selected picture.
Selecting the display mode
The following Play Modes can be selected to display JPEG
pictures on CD-Rs/CD-RWs:
Folder Normal
If there are no folders: All pictures are shown consecu-
tively. Picture display ends with the last picture on the
If there are folders: All pictures in the current sub-folder
are shown consecutively. Picture display ends with the
last picture of the current sub-folder.
Folder repeat
If there are no folders: All pictures on the CD-R/CD-RW
are shown consecutively. After the last picture on the CD-R/
CD-RW has been shown, display resumes with the fi rst
picture on the CD-R/CD-RW.
If there are folders: All pictures in the current sub-folder
are shown consecutively. After the last picture in this sub-
folder has been shown, display resumes with the fi rst
picture of the current sub-folder.