Silvercrest KH 6508/KH 6509
and press the “CLR” button once. The display returns to
“– – – “.
To clear the entries in all input fi elds, select the “Clear all”
option underneath the input fi elds with the control but-
tons , and then press the “OK” button once.
4 Having programmed all the required titles, select the “Play
program” option under the input fi elds with the control
buttons , and then press the “OK” button once.
Playback of the music program commences with the title
of the audio-CD selected for program storage place 1.
5 Within the programmed titles it is possible to jump for-
ward to the beginning of the next title, or back to the
previous title, by pressing the “Skip” or “Skip” but-
tons on the front of the DVD Player.
6 To clear programmed playback press the “Stop” button
on the front of the DVD Player or remote control twice
during playback.
Program example
You wish to select the third and tenth title of an audio-CD
for programmed playback.
1 Press the “3” button once in the input fi eld of the program
storage place 1.
2 Press the control button once to select the input fi eld
of the program storage place 2.
3 Press the “1” and “0” buttons in succession in the input
fi eld of the program storage place 2.
4 Select the “Play Program” option with the control buttons
, then press the “OK” button to start playback of
the programmed titles.
Fading-in CD information
In addition to the information displayed on the television
screen …
• The played time of the currently played audio-CD
• The remaining time up to the end of the currently played
title on the audio-CD
… press the “display” button on the remote control once dur-
ing playback to fade in the number of the currently played
To fade out the CD information press the „Display“ button
once again.
Switching on diff erent Play Modes
The following Play Modes can be switched on during play-
back of an audio-CD:
Random playback
The titles on the loaded audio-CD are played in a random
sequence when random playback is switched on in the fol-
lowing manner …
1 Press the “Mode” button on the remote control once dur-
ing playback. The “Play Mode” menu is displayed on the
television screen:
Play Mode
Mode Off
Repeat Off
2 The “Mode” menu item is the fi rst to be automatically
selected. Press the “OK” button on the remote control
to selected between the two options “Off ” and “Shuffl e”.
Set “Shuffl e” and press the “Mode” button once again.
The mode menu is faded out and the shuffl e function is
then switched on.
3 To switch off the shuffl e function, press the “Mode” key
during playback , and select in the “Play Mode” the “Off ”
option within the “Mode” menu item by pressing the “OK”
button. Renewed depression of the “Mode” button turns
off the shuffl e function.
Repeat play
Individual titles, as well as the entire audio-CD, can be re-
peated with the “Repeat Play” function.
Proceed in the following manner to switch on repeat play …
1 Press once during playback the “Mode” key on the remote
control. The “Play Mode” menu will be displayed on the
television screen.
2 Press the control key once to select the “Repeat” menu
Play Mode
Mode Off
Repeat Off
3 Press the “OK” button to select between the “Off ”, Single”
and “All” options.
• Select “Single“ to continue repeating every title you select
on the audio-CD until the repeat mode is switched off , or
playback is terminated by pressing the “Stop” button