Administrator Procedures
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Alarm Queue
Page 53
• Alarms with the same priority level are placed in the queue based on the time the alarm
was generated. For example, if A010 (priority 3) is generated at 10:30 AM, and A012
(priority 3) is generated at 10:32 AM, A012 is placed in the queue after A010.
• If the queue contains 30 alarms, the oldest, lowest priority alarm is overwritten with the
new alarm. For example, if the queue currently holds 30 alarms, 20 of which are prior-
ity 4, and a priority 3 alarm is generated, the oldest priority 4 alarm is overwritten.
• Repetitive alarms such as A125, are placed in the queue only once. If the alarm is
regenerated, the alarm that is currently in the queue is overwritten with the new alarm
data (if applicable) and time. For example, A125 is overwritten each time it is regener-
ated, which is every 5 minutes. This prevents the queue from being filled with duplicate
The queue holds up to 30 alarms, with priority, 1 (high) to 4 (low), given to those listed in the
following table.
A010 Low A108 Low
A011 Critical A109 Med
A012 Low A110 Med
A013 Low A111 Med
A014 Low A112 Med
A015 Low A114 Med
A016 Low A115 Med
A017 Low A116 Low
A018 Low A117 Low
A020 Low A118 Low
A021 Low A119 High
A022 Low A120 Med
A023 Low A121 High
A024 Low A122 High
A025 Low A123 High
A026 Low A124 Med
A031 Low A125 High
A032 Low A126 Med
A100 Low A127 Med
A101 Low A128 Low
A102 Low A200 Low
A103 Low A201 Low
A104 Med A202 Low
A105 Low A203 High
A106 Low A204 High
A107 Low